we offer

Our Services

Project Finance

MoneyyMaxx Finance works with several banks and financial institutions and have an in-house Project Financing team, which analyses and evaluates the project and arranges the funding.

Infrastructure Finance

Each infrastructure project is unique and has its own cash flow needs and hence requires customized funding solutions. We at MoneyyMaxx understand the project and its cash flows in detail and accordingly arrange the most cost effective finance.

Working Capital Finance

Working Capital Finance provides the dual benefit of working capital as well as term loan wherein a part of the funds could be given as term loan allowing repayment of the same. Where the company profits in future years and the client wants to slowly reduce the working capital funds from bank.


MSME Loans

MoneyyMaxx has special MSME loans and SME loans for businesses looking for quick finance in India. These loans are approved through an online process which helps in speeding up the financial vehicle delivery.

Mortgage Loan

A mortgage loan is a type of secured loan that you can avail by keeping an immovable asset as mortgage with the lender. The asset can be a residential/commercial property or other immovable properties like heavy machinery.

This type of loan is secured on the borrower’s property as per process which is called mortgage origination. Such loans are long-term advances with repayment tenors ranging from 15 – 20 years and interest rates much lower compared to unsecured advances. You can utilise the loan amount to meet diverse funding needs involving big-ticket expenditures.

mortgage loan

Home Loan

Whether you’re looking to purchase, construct, or renovate a home, we are the one-stop solution for your housing loan needs. You can get finance easily, with simple eligibility terms and a minimal requirement for documentation.

You can also refinance your existing house loan through the Balance Transfer facility and avail a top-up loan when doing so.